Thursday, August 7, 2008

Getting the ducks in a row

This morning I have been on the phone to our insurance company and to Financial Services at Lucille-Packard Children's Hospital in California. After we confirmed the number of possible fixes required by Wren's heart both Joshua and I are leaning towards traveling down there for surgery.

So far, I have confirmed that Stanford Medical Center and Dr Hanley are "in Network" and we should pay only the out of pocket maximum for treatment there so it is an option.

We are being referred to a case manager to confirm benefits and that the surgery is "medically necessary" [in case a parent decides their child needs OHS on a whim?]

I am going to leave a message with Cardiology to ensure they send the data down for referral. I don't want to wait until after the team meets here next week although I am very interested to hear what they recommend.

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