Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wrens' 12 month pediatrician visit

On Thursday Wren went to see Dr Levitt for his 12 month 'well-baby' checkup. He is well. He received ticks on all his developmental milestones:

  • Walking

  • First word "mah" = milk

  • Eating by himself

  • Sleeping better

  • Social interaction and play

He is 31.5" long which puts him in the 90th percentile.

His head is 47." around which puts him in the 75th percentile which is the same as before. If you recall, this was a concern at 9 months as his head had increased proportionally. It is reassuring to the ped that it stayed the same at this point although I pointed out that Frost's head was 97th percentile+ at this point and he is ok, I think!

His weight is the only concern. It fell from the 75th percentile to the 48th percentile. He weighs 22 lbs 8oz which is a gain of 1 lb in three months. I have been encouraged to nurse fewer snack nursings which may allow him to top up without eating enough, feed him more calorie rich foods like cream, milk, cheese and butter (why does dairy get to star in this line-up? Were there no fat Chinese babies? I am going with butter and cream but refused milk so we are going to have some ground nuts and I am looking for other fattening alternatives. He refuses avocado which was my immediate first thought. Frost guzzled avocado. Since the appointment Wren has developed a taste for toasted butter sandwiches and creme fraiche with banana.

He received two shots although he did not qualify for the HIB shot at 12 months because there is a HIB shortage due to a vaccine recall. He should get it by 18 mths. He has had no reaction to the shots which were given in his arm. This is great because he still has leg edema due to the obstruction to his ileac vein. We are hoping this subsides as collaterals develop. Dr Lewin said this may "take time" [no idea how much].

We have been given a sheet about development. Wren is supposed to develop the following physical and social abilities over the next three months. Here are the ones he is doing already:

Walking and standing alone
shakes head for NO (before learning to nod for YES)
drinks from a cup
hands a toy to a parent when asked
copies adults
remembers people and objects
uses one or two words

We are also given some activities he may like: play hide-and-seek with a toy, allow him to feed himself finger foods, point to body parts and name them, climbing, crayons on paper, ask "who is that?" and read picture books.

We do many of these but have not let him have crayons because he eats them up. He can already recognize and point to a number of body parts but we shall continue. He likes to shove his hand in my mouth when I say MOUTH and into my eye when I say eyes so we have to teach some more delicacy as these activities progress.

Dr Levitt suggested we start him on cow's milk and decrease nursing but that irritated me. I am having trouble nursing at the moment anyway. Wren is frustrated at time, pulls away a lot and is nursing less anyway. Still, I believe it is good for him to continue. I think that offering milk may lead to weaning when we have a poor track record of milk tolerance in the family. So, I am just ignoring that advice. I think he has a mild yeast infection in his mouth and he is getting nystatin for that.


Wyndi said...

I am surprised they would suggest stopping breast milk! will he eat eggs? Trader Joes has some baby yogurt that has a higher amount of healthy fat than the normal kind. Chocolate:) hee hee it is good for you right:) Has Wren had juice yet? it has higher calories we use the v8 fusion lower calorie than regular juice and has some veggie mixed in the dietitian at children's said it was a better choice than the sugary juices? Izzy is becoming very picky has been living off of string cheese, soy milk oranges and corn! she is 24lbs at 21mths. She lost from 24 to 23 adn then went up to 24 again and no one told me to change her diet they just said toddlers do this sort of thing, they di check her weight often about every 2 mths now, used to be monthly until this last month!

Wyndi said...

sorry for all the typos have no time to type really! just wanted to send hello and support:)