Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ups and downs

This evening Wren showed the first sign of getting over his week of vomiting followed by diarrhea. I am now glad for all the applesauce I have been feeding him which seems to be helping his tummy. However, he is also growing that tooth I mentioned a while ago and is having interrupted nights so I am getting very low on sleep.

Frost is a bit under the weather with a drippy nose that causes coughing and wakings at night and, no sooner have I recovered from that stomach bug than I developed a sore throat and partial laryngitis. It seems to be worsening and I am exhausted so I am hoping for a slightly better night than last night on which Wren slept from 8pm till 4.30am with wakings at 11.30pm and 12.30am.

Still, Josh came home early today and we managed to buy our Xmas tree which is on a table in the kitchen so as to keep it out of reach of little hands. I shall post pictures later.

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