Wren is 11 months and one week old. Since yesterday he has moved from occasional tottering steps to taking up to 10 little steps towards a goal. His gait has changed. Instead of throwing himself forward in a plunging tumble towards my legs he makes steady little steps and stops himself between them. He is most likely to fall over onto his bottom if he loses his balance. He stands up at every opportunity.
He has also taken to climbing. He climbs onto the couch and then uses the side pillows to climb up to and sometimes ONTO my desk. This is over a meter off the ground and is haven for sharp implements, camera, laptop and various precarious stacks of CDs and papers. I do not like him being up here. However, Wren believes that he must do everything we do and since I am often at my laptop doing things to it he feel entitled to do the same.
He also copies holding up the remote control to the TV and taking plates out the cupboard. When denied he becomes frustrated. He screams, falls over, cries buckets and then tries again.
I try and allow him as much freedom as possible and he is permitted to climb on the couch as long as he doesn't use it as a route to something higher.
Wren is also enjoying pushing the little red ride-on toy that Mum bought for Frost when he was 18 mths. He pushes it up and down the living room and into the kitchen, shouting in frustration when he bumps into something and cannot go any further. Sometimes Frost sits on the car and lifts his feet up and Frost pushes him hooting and happy.
Wren is still sleeping short nights (less than 10 hours) but only wakes once around 3-4am so I am getting some good stretches. He gets up for the day between 5.15and 5.45am. I wish he would sleep 11 hours from 7.30-6.30am but he hasn't agreed to my request. He naps well in the daytime - two naps that are 3 hours in total when he is not interrupted by carpool in the afternoon and errands in the morning.
Its late. I must go to bed but will write a few more anecdotes of Wren tomorrow.
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