Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fever goes on

I called the Heart Center Nurses Line to ask whether I could give Wren Motrin. I think it is better for inflammation like his huge erupting molar. Nurse Jennifer was a bit concerned when she heard he had had a fever of unknown origin for 3 days. She said she better "run it by Dr Lewin" to see what he thinks. She says the molar may, or may not, be causing it. I could have said that.

I feel quite frustrated because I have such a shoddy thermometer that I have no idea what his real temp is. They are more concerned if it is over 101.5. Well, I get about 100 underarm which is usually 1 degree more at the doctors using the in-the-ear one. I think we need a thermometer upgrade.

But wait, I don't have the car today. This always happens.


Samantha said...

Hi there--do this...take a flashlight and check out Wren's throat...Micah has had about 6 "unexplained" fevers that last for a few days...everytime I bring him to the doctor, his throat is red and they tell me he has viral pharyngitis...maybe he has a sore throat.

Sorry to hear he has that really stinks! As for the thermometer...I was always told to add one degree when taking the temp by the armpit...

Keep us posted on him!

Shannon said...

Thanks Samantha
I shall try and look at his throat but he is very fussy about me touching his mouth. I think it is due to the molars coming in.

I am sorry Micah had so many sore throats. That does seem a lot!

The doctor is concerned that Wren could have endocarditis so we have to take him to get blood cultures if his fever is over 102 this evening.