Monday, April 23, 2007

Plan B not working yet

The past 2 nights have been bad. Wren has slept for 4 hours, been rocked to sleep and slept a couple more hours and then woken hourly till 6-7am. Today was a bit better since we made it till 7.30am (8.30pm-7.30am. He woke 5 times between 10.30pm and morning). Since he is going to bed earlier thesedays my sleep hasn't overlapped enough with the long sleep and I am getting no more than one 2 hour stretch before the wipeout of napping and crying or nursing begins.

Josh suggested we start the Zantac again because he has woken screaming a couple of times and seemed to be gulping a bit. This is not the usual pattern but we shall try it in hope that it helps. I gave him Tylenol last night around 4am but it made no appreciable difference to his sleep. As before when he did this around 2 months old, he really doesn't seem to wake fully - he is in a state of crying in half sleep but unable to put himself back to sleep. The only difference is that thesedays picking him up and rocking him can exaccerbate the situation - waking him a bit more into a fit of screaming and wriggling and flopping his heavy head. The only foolproof solution is nursing which puts him to sleep in about 10-15 minutes 90% of the time. In the early morning it isn't as effective and he wants to remain latched on which makes for no sleep for me.

I am going to try going to bed around 9.30 in hope of sharing his deep sleep period. Oh, in other not-so-interesting-news for everyone else, Wren seems to be trying to have a longer nap in the daytime. For the past 2 days he has had shorter morning naps and is consolidating a longer nap or a series of naps back to back for 2-3 hours.

Sorry this topic is so boring, overdone, etc. I am too tired to explore more interesting terrain. However, during the day I cope okay and the weather is warming up into a slightly sunny spring.

Today I have plans to do the grocery shopping with Wren in tow.


Wyndi said...

I am sorry that your nights are so rough. I hope the zantac helps and he sleeps better? is he getting a tooth? I love the pics you posted he looks happy in the bumbo seat! we will be in the vascular clinic tomorrow at 11 for an appointment on the 6th floor we will be hoping that wrens apt goes good and you get all goood news. baby sophia will be in clinic tomorrow also maybe you will get a glimpse of that beautiful little girl!

Wyndi said...

We will try to come down to the 4th flooe after our apt we might be done by 1245 if the clinic is running on time. our apt is @ 1130.

we will be hoping for good echos and pressures:) for you wren:)

Wyndi said...

oh and some good sleep and strong coffee for your mom:)