Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome the day

Geez, I knew I was tired this morning when my eyes 'mistook' a piece of playmobil for a spider. I jumped. I developed this spider phobia living with my ex-husband in Australia. Australia has the biggest spiders I have ever seen, called huntsmen and Phil (my ex) had a serious conviction that they were after him. Living with him for many years gave me a similar perspective but thesedays of small arachnids I am almost over it.

Why am I talking about spiders? I don't know. Chalk it up to sleep deprivation because it was a long night. The only reason I am not grumpy is that when I came into the living room to put Wren in the swing to sleep longer (at 7am) the living room was all cleaned up at midnight by the magic Joshua-fairy. There is a god!

The long-night started okay with Wren putting himself to sleep unswaddled and without his nightly meds. He woke a few hours later because his nose was all blocked so we snorkeled it out with that snorkelling blue bulb thing and he hated that. A few hours later I was up again for The Next Big Poop. Since Wren has started going a day between poops he is delivering an extra dose of love with each one. This involved pajama change, diaper change and lights being on. Then we noticed his eyes were shut and thought they were gummed shut from eye infection (not the case, he was clenching them shut against the light) and soaked them with a warm cloth which he hated.

THEN he couldn't get back to sleep because of his nose and I had to snorkel it a couple of times even though its not really blocked its drippy and impedes his nose-breathing. This also messed with his nursing. I got up a few more times to wash my hands, pee, pull the mimi out of Frost's sleeping mouth so his orthodonitic bill isn't too impossible and checked Wren for fever.

I had the requisite few nightmares involving furniture, cleaning and losing children.

I got up at 7.02am with some relief. The night is over. Welcome the day

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