Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Surgery delayed a bit

When we came in this morning we were told that the OR had run out of some fluids they require. They finally came in a bit after 9am but this delayed the beginning of the first case and thus we have been delayed also.

We have been told that Wren's surgery will either start late or may even be postponed until tomorrow if the surgeon feels it is too late for him to do a second case.


At least we have spent some time with Wren this morning and he is looking good. The cardiologist we met first over here came by and said that although there is a risk to doing this procedure he believes we are making the right decision in giving it a chance. He feels that it is almost certain that another surgery will be required in future and the worry is mainly centered on the aortic valve but it is a good chance. He mentioned that a recent patient with similar presentation did poorly after a similar repair and had to revert to a Norwood under emergency conditions BUT that experience should not guide the surgical decision - they should rely on the best odds and the data which supports doing the biventricular repair.

So, here we wait.

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