Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When Pelicans (do not really) Attack!!!

At the jetty in Kingscote, KI, the kids were impressed to see a flock of pelicans close to the jetty. The pelicans are fed by local fishermen and were sitting on the rocky wharf with a sense of anticipation and entitlement. As you can see from this picture, they are VERY large birds. Every morning as we walked on the beach a small flock of pelicans would fly across the water. The sea was very calm and the pelicans flew so low that their bellies skimmed the water.

Frost was excited to see how close he could get to a pelican (why do I keep typing 'penguin'?)


"Hey, I see you with my beady eye....."


No Frost, do not do it!!!! Come back!!!!

The first time a pelican CRAAAKed at him Frost leapt back but since the pelican didn't actually ATTACK him he rather enjoyed being the provocateur. Wren became anxious as Mum and I told Frost to stop bothering the pelicans and told Frost to stop and come back!

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