Friday, February 15, 2008

Sickie update

Wren no longer has a fever but has something viral. He couldn't sleep well last night and woke hourly after 10.30pm until 5am. He was awake from 12.30am-2am. This morning it took him a long time to stop crying.

However, today he has been a clingy but happy version of himself. He loves being outside and tries to run off up the street at the slightest opportunity. He rushes the front door, climbs down the porch steps AND the rocky steps to the street, looks back once to check I am following and heads up the sidewalk at a an almost run. It is clear that he is fed up after months of confinement.

I hope we can spend a lot of time outside next week or even on the weekend and I hope also that tonight gets me some rest.

Joshua has txted me saying: I am not going to let him cry for an hour tonight. I would rather be up all night with him.

He didn't cry for an hour solidly but it was close to that with us going in and out after midnight. Even nursing didn't put him to sleep.

I took Wren to the doctor today. She said he does not have any obvious signs of infection but it is good that the fever has gone down. Apparently it could even be the flu. She mentioned that if Wren got the flu they would give him Tamiflu (I always want to type Tamilflu..) to mitigate its course. She said they have not had a bad flu season so far this year but that the vaccine is not very effective because the A and B's have few matches. I have no idea what that means but it sounded bad.

In other news, my mother is due to join us in Seattle (from London) on Saturday but I am waiting to hear whether she will make her flight. She may have to stay on with my grandfather because he was overdosed with morphine from his morphine patch which the nursing home staff administered for back pain. The doctor has since pulled the prescription but it was touch and go for a while. We are very excited to see her but may have to wait a few more days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Shannon!

Hope Wren recovers from his virus soon! Do you freak out when he cries too much, with his heart condition and all? I do with Justin...I try not to let him this normal?