Frost holding Wren today.
I can't believe it, but I slept for 2 hours this afternoon. I think I would have kept on sleeping till Frost arrived home but I heard the phone ringing and got up. As a result of my epic nap I am feeling much refreshed and have lit a Java fire log, taken AND uploaded some new pictures of Wren while Frost draws pictures of SpongeBob's ARMY.
The food title is in reference to the wonderful help we are receiving from friends and school families who are giving us a great meal every couple of days. This means that the witching hour of 5pm when I try and make time to cook is no longer high pressure. Tonight we are having two different leftovers and I am enjoying doing nothing more complex than pouring a mixing Hot Chocolate for Frost after school.
This is of Josh and Wren in the glider over the weekend.
Wren this afternoon (1/7/07)
A drawing Frost did at school today showing the family and Wren going "Wawawawa, because he is hungry". When Wren cries loudly Frost calls it "psycho wah wah" and unfortunately this is sticking in my mind. According to Frost the "eeeeee" noise is being made by one of the rats and the person at the right is Joshua singing to Wren. I am the one saying "wren" and Frost is the one saying "ha ha ha" cos he "saw something funny on television while Wren was in the living room".
Frost is very keen to interact with Wren and loves stories about the games they will be able to play when he is bigger. When he comes home from school Frost is disappointed if Wren is asleep and always comments that "he looks bigger today".
I love the pictures of Wren! He's such a handsome little guy. Isn't it great to see them without the NG tube in the way? And I absolutely love Frost's drawing - I bet he just cracks you up on a regular basis. Glad to hear that Wren is gaining/maintaining his weight - I hope things go well at the ped's tomorrow!
Kathie (BBC heart board)
Oh, my Lord, he is gorgeous, isn't he?! (But, why wouldn't he be). I've been out of touch and town for a couple of weeks and had Paul checking for status updates. It is so great to see these photos - they sure don't show the heartache and stress that you have been experiencing. You are such an amazing lady/family! I can't wait to see you all. Let me know when you want to chat. I can bring food and tea during the day when you're up for it. Laine
well - looks like Frost has (a bit of) your artistic talent ;-)
These pics are so normal, they totally belie the ongoing slings and arrows.... or maybe they're telling the real story, and Wren is on the up and up. Hope so.
We're so pleased here in SA that things are moving forward.He does look a wonderful normal little boy. All our love, David Orion Ansellia
Oh Shannon he is gorgeous! (I hope you don't mind I am reading your blog - Sarah told me about it.) And some of that adorable baby personality looks like it's peeking through in those pictures. I am glad things are going well with his weight gain.
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